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Feel Like A Failure? 5 Ways To Ignite Your Courage



How many times have you said yes when all you really wanted to do was say/shout no?

How many times have you handed your power over to someone or something only to find out that you sold your soul for nothing?

How many times have you told yourself, “I can’t. I’m not strong enough. I’m not worthy enough to be all that I desire to be.”?

Great words from one of our mentors, Debbie Ford.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had times where you felt like a complete failure. You look at what others have achieved, compared it to your life and felt small.

I believe if we can dig to the depth of our souls, find the space where our true courage exists, we can achieve anything we desire in life.

Now is the time to claim your most courageous and confident self and give yourself the life you deserve.


By god, when you see your beauty, you’ll be the idol of yourself. – Rumi




1. Embrace Your Past

We’ve all got baggage. Use it to your full advantage. Don’t hide or deny it from others or yourself. The gifts for you to help others exists in the past you’re hiding in your shadows. Restore your confidence and your courage by releasing the emotional baggage of your past which is killing off your passion, your purpose and your strength.


2. Reclaim Your Power

Be a magnet for love, success and all the riches you deserve. When did you feel the most courageous in your past? When did you feel like you could achieve anything? Go back to that moment in time and recognize how you felt within yourself. Is it different than how you feel today? Move from victim to victor in the areas of your life where you feel limited.


3. Get Around Successful People

The fastest way to go from Zero to Hero is to change your environment. Surround yourself with people who don’t feel like failures. When I was at one of my lowest points in life, I drained my savings to enroll in a six month personal development course at the price of $3,000. It opened the doors to surround myself with positive, exciting, motivated and authentic people.

If you can’t afford it, make a commitment to attend free personal development seminars and lectures.


4. Expect Miracles

Step into the grace and flow of the miracles that life is offering you by bringing a profound new understanding and appreciation to your past and all the experiences you’ve had.


5. Create A Fresh Vision

Embrace your creative imagination and access a future greater than what your human eyes can see today. Be sourced for the future as you step into a high-powered partnership with the Divine. What do you want your life to look like in all areas? If you feel like a failure, what is creating that feeling? What would you have to achieve to feel the opposite in life?



Ok, I rarely do this however I feel if you want change, you need to get into action. So here’s your homework this week.

Courage Finder:

Ask a friend or family member when they saw you the most courageous in your past. When did they feel you were in your place of power?

Take action on that today my friend. Chat soon.


In Gratitude,

Ryan Yokome


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